Page 13 - The Spring 19th Edition | Springfield School
P. 13
Kindergarten Occupation Day
By Kindergarten SFPB
“What do you want to be when you grow up?”
That’s the question that always pops up from parents and teachers to every young
student! The responses are varied such as a police o cer, doctor, pilot, astronaut,
teacher, scientist, and many more. Children already know how to picture what kind
of job they want to pursue one day and Spring eld School dedicated a whole day
to allowing these young students to explore di erent occupations - from our very
own Kindergarten parents!
The parents took the chance to show up and share what they do every day, how
they do their jobs, and the bene ts of their chosen profession, inspiring students to
passionately pursue their interests. Parents played a huge role in helping students
broaden their view of what they might become one day.
Each parent gave a special presentation, explaining their job virtually. There were
teachers, doctors, and even chefs presenting at this very successful event.
The students were excited and curious and asked questions with con dence.
Thank you, Kindergarten parents, for sharing your wonderful careers and helping
students make connections from what they learn at school to the real world! You
have surely motivated them to follow their dreams.
Click here to see video!