Page 20 - The Spring 19th Edition | Springfield School
P. 20

Compassion Project for

        the Bantar Gebang Community

        As we entered into Holy week at the beginning of April, Spring eld School

        Ra es Hills invited primary students to participate in a Compassion Project.
        Our Compassion project this year was to help a community living in the
        rubbish tip in the Bantar Gebang area. Due to a  re, more that 100 families
        lost their houses and all their belongings.

        We were  very excited to involve our Primary students in this project. It was
        very rewarding to be able to help our students to join in and contribute to a
        better and more compassionate world.

        We asked each family to support this initiative with a small contribution. To
        make sure no resources went to waste, we assigned di erent items to
        di erent grades. Here is the list of the donations we were able to provide

        to this much needy community:
               Primary 1 - 10 wooden pencils
               Primary 2 - 3 toothbrushes and 3 toothpaste
               Primary 3 - 5 notebooks
               Primary 4 - 2 soap dan 2 shampoo

               Primary 5 - Clothes (shirt, tshirt, pants)
               Primary 6 - 2 towels

        On 18 April 2022, Pak Yusup the representative for the Bantar Gebang Community came to our school and collected the donations which then
        went to the Bantar Gebang Community.

        Together we are making a di erence! Thank you for your great generosity!
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