Page 7 - The Spring 19th Edition | Springfield School
P. 7

Ways to bond with

        your child


        To your child, love is spelled T-I-M-E. Your child needs your time. Not
        new  and  fancy  toys  or  gadgets.  Not  the  best  books  and  most

        expensive activities. Just your time.

        Parents cannot expect to have a good relationship with their children   Set a bedtime routine with 20 minute storytime each night. You can
        if they do not make time to bond with them. Make time for your child   read the story to your child, or sometimes your child can read too.
        even though you are so busy. It will pay o  ten-fold in the long run.   Discuss the story together, and brainstorm what you would do if you

                                                                            were the main character. Let your child choose books they like, but at
        PLAY WITH YOUR CHILD                                                the end of the day, your child will value the moments with you more
        Be a sport                                                          than the book itself.

        Adapt your favourite sport so you can play it with your child. Create a
        basketball "court" with laundry baskets.  Try hockey with empty     SHOW YOUR LOVE EVERY DAY
        cardboard tubes. Roll or kick a ball into a pyramid of blocks.      Research shows children need 4 hugs a day for survival, 8 hugs a day
        The whole-arm coordination needed to roll or throw a ball usually   for maintenance, and 12 hugs a day for growth. Hugs should be at
        comes between 18 months and 3 years. Around 4 years old, your child   least 12 seconds long! Parents, hug your children! Hold them close,

        may be ready to step up her game. You can teach your child to kick,   and tell them how much you love them every day!
        throw, and catch.                                                   Research further suggests that the most important time of the day
        Play make-believe                                                   for intimate moments with your child is right when they wakes up,

        Dive into your child's world of pretend play. Let him guide the     and before bedtime. Make sure these times are full of love and
        intricate scenarios and dictate the rules of whatever fantasy they   kindness. Make sure you give your full undivided attention to them
        create around a newly built spaceship, their extended family of     during these times speci cally.
        stu ed animals, or the items in your closet. Build a fort with blankets
        and chairs and pretend you are hiding from the evil villains. Or draw   Small, simple things like giving your child a hug, a pat on their head,

        the curtains in the bedroom and play with  ashlights, pretending you   or giving full (without looking at your phone) attention to your child
        are lost on a dark and empty planet. The possibilities are endless! Just   when they talk to you.
        follow your child’s lead, and dive right into the next big adventure.
                                                                            IN CONCLUSION:

        EXPLORE NEW BOOKS                                                   Show your children that they are the most important thing in your
        Nurture a love of reading by scheduling regular library or bookstore   lives. Make them feel valued, cherished and appreciated. Build them
        trips (say, every Tuesday afternoon). Explore new books and share   up with hugs and kisses. These simple acts have more value than the
        your childhood favourites, talking about why you liked them.        most expensive tablet or fanciest toys.  Your time is what your

                                                                            children really want.
        Keep a running list of what you read to your child or of their top picks.
        Later you can look back at it together and remember cherished story

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