Page 11 - The Spring 16th Edition | Springfield School
P. 11

#SafeHandsChallenge                                                                             Click here to see the video!

          “Sometimes real superheroes live in the hearts of small children  ghting big battles.” - Anonymous

          Since the government announced the spike of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia, especially in the greater area of Jakarta, our children have had no
          choice but to stay at home and continue their education through home-based learning. It is too risky to be involved in activities with a lot of
          people gathering in  the same place such as schools and other public places.

          However, Spring eld School always strives to make this learning process as fun and exciting as it would have been if we were at school. We
          believe that children learn through daily  activities and the early years are a golden opportunity for us to plant all the good life-skill habits as early
          as possible.

          Washing our hands often is one of the best things we can do at the moment to help keep us virus-free. Since regulations have allowed people
          to be more mobile and stay-at-home policies have loosened, we must be even more disciplined in following good health protocols.

          Our Kindergarten students are reminding us to wash our hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds to stay healthy. We

          encouraged them to be the agent of change in their family and to help  ght the virus by doing this #safehandschallenge.

          Let’s wash our hands regularly and properly, just like our children have shown us.

          Heroes can be little children :)
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