Page 6 - The Spring 16th Edition | Springfield School
P. 6
I think online learning is quite fun, although we
are unable to see our teachers and friends.
I feel happy to see my friends online and being
able to chat with them. I'm glad they are all
healthy and safe at home with their family.
My favourite lesson in online learning is art.
I like art because I love to color and draw. I also
like CB lessons, learning more about God and
His teachings.
I wish for next term I can do more group work
with my friends.
“ Hope you are doing well and keeping safe. I take this ”
opportunity to o er my sincere thanks to all
Spring eld teachers who handled the transition of new
ways of learning from face to face to online learning, very
smoothly. The dedication and professional attitude of the “
whole team is quite amazing. While the whole This is what I think about online
surrounding area is lled with negativity, all the teachers learning. It saves us time to study
did a brilliant job by engaging students in constructive
and through online learning, I learn
activities and keeping them motivated all the time.
how to operate my gadget better. I
I really enjoyed all the online learning activities. I thought
used to use my iPad for watching
it was well planned and easy for me to follow. The
YouTube and playing games only,
workload was just enough, so I could nish everything in
but now I use it for doing my school
enough time. The online learning suits me perfectly.
assignments too.
My focus during the
lessons has increased a lot.
Even though I miss seeing my friends in real life, I am still
This impacts not only on
thankful that I can see my friends when we are online.
my academics but also on
my con dence. I look
I love Spring eld’s online learning. The materials that the
forward to the wonderful
teachers give are very straightforward which helps me
online learning journey
understand it easily. Everything is well organized. I am very
excited every time I go online, especially when there is an
experiment, Kahoot and art. I hope that there will be more
fun activities like these in the future.
” ”